Native CAD Viewer
WORKXPLORE is the ideal tool for directly displaying and evaluating 3D CAD files without the need for the original CAD application. The intuitive, easy-to-use interface enables novice and experienced users alike to explore any type of 2D/3D CAD file.
WORKXPLORE enables users to build virtual unified prototypes or 3D models from files imported from various CAD applications. Users can work on model set up and improvements before committing time and resources to creating a real prototype.
A wide range of CAD interfaces are available: VISI, Catia V5, Catia V4, Unigraphics, Parasolid, Pro/E, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Cadds, IGES, STEP, Unisurf, STL (binary and ASCII), VRML, DXF, DWG, HPGL.
WORKXPLORE has been created for the efficient import and analysis of files of all sizes and types but it is the speed at which it imports large 3D CAD files which is particularly impressive, often taking less than half the time to open a file compared to the original CAD application.
The software saves the native CAD data in its own lightweight format enabling users to calculate surface areas and volumes, measure thickness, dimensions and angles and much more without requiring the original CAD data. This lightweight format can be easily transmitted to other project