Solutions by Industries

Aerospace & Aviation
The aerospace and aviation industries are on the cutting edge of manufacturing technology. With ever-increasing customer demands for more complex parts, higher tolerances, and lower costs, the push into the fourth Industrial Revolution is well underway. As parts become more complex and competitive pressure to deliver faster at a lower cost increases, aerospace companies increasingly look to ESPRIT as a solution that integrates into their workflows while providing the edit-free, machine-optimized G-code needed to maximize their machine's output and part quality.

Automotive and transportation industry manufacturers have no choice but to focus on operational efficiency, lean manufacturing, and production quality improvement if they want to remain competitive. For their machine shops, this equates to pushing for higher spindle utilization, shorter cycle times, and longer tool life.
With ESPRIT's extensive support for programming, optimization, and simulation of the entire machining and on-machine inspection processes for both milling and turning, manufacturers are empowered towards achieving their goals and gaining competitive advantages.

Defense & Military
The demands of modern military and defense industries are diverse and complex. To ensure taxpayer dollars are frugally and wisely spent, the defense industrial base must be cost-effective, cost-efficient, and highly productive. By staying on the leading edge of technology, manufacturers are then more able to be precise, fast, and flexible.
For CNC shops serving this industry striving to optimize the use of their manufacturing equipment, ESPRIT offers unprecedented production optimization combined with a complete workflow to quickly move from CAD file to machined part via any class of CNC mill, lathe, or multitasking machine tool.

Energy & Power
The energy production infrastructure is built on metal components that are more technologically demanding to program and require next-generation process control to meet end-user demands.
With ESPRIT's modeless programming comes the ability to combine milling and turning, on- machine inspection, and part handling cycles utilizing any table, head, turret, or spindle available on the machine. This ability to support a wide variety of machining on a large variety and configuration of machine tools is highly valuable for the large, demanding parts common to this industrial sector.

Industrial Machinery & Equipment
Automation is in the DNA of industrial manufacturing, whether driving automation in other industries or streamlining their own processes. Building their own products means maintaining a smoothly flowing process from design through manufacturing.
With ESPRIT, a digital thread ties together each step of the workflow, ensuring that the entire manufacturing process is connected. ESPRIT reads part data from CAD software and creates machine-optimized G-code and setup sheets, which it passes on to shop floor management, tool data management and manufacturing resource planning software.

Machine Tool Industry
The machine tool industry is the beating heart of manufacturing. But machine tool manufacturers face the same challenges as any other manufacturer: meeting customer demand for new and improved products, keeping production quality high, and saving time and money.
For machine tool manufacturers, ESPRIT provides tremendous power for multi-part machining, different parts or different sides of the same part, using different workholding. In the case of last-minute changes to the setup, the quantity of parts to be machined, or machine choice, ESPRIT automatically updates the program for the new machine configuration. ESPRIT automatically optimizes cycle times by minimizing tool changes, axis rotations, and machine travel, all while taking into consideration dependencies between operations and setups.

Medical & Dental
There are critical considerations, including using proven processes for machining complex geometry and difficult materials for a medical component using multitasking or Swiss-type machines.
Medical device and component manufacturers benefit from ESPRIT's extensive support of multitasking and Swiss-style machine tool programming, optimization, and simulation. ESPRIT's knowledge management helps these companies produce consistent and reliable results by automatically using the optimum processes—machining cycles, cutting tools and machining conditions—for part features based on proven best practices.

Die & Mold
Machining can be as much art as science, and in no other industry is this more apparent than tool-, die-, and mold-making. Optimizing cycle times while maintaining great surface quality and tool life is vital for these long-cycle, low-volume tools. While proving out programs on the physical material is time-consuming and impractical.
With high-speed machining built into all of ESPRIT's FreeForm machining cycles, shops realize shorter cycle time and longer tool life. Using ESPRIT’s built-in part inspection, the original "as-designed" part can be compared to the "as-machined" workpiece to ensure part accuracy. And ESPRIT's machine-optimized, edit-free G-code output minimizes shop floor setup times.