3DExperience Works Startup Program
For early-stage hardware startups that meet the eligibility criteria, the 3DExperience Works for Startups program offers software, training, and co-marketing resources at no cost to help you succeed. SOPAN Infotech will help you to get the benefit from the startup program.
- 12-month accounts of 3DEXPERIENCE Works including SOLIDWORKS for CAD, simulation, visualization, and many more
- Co-marketing opportunities such as speaking at SOLIDWORKS events and promotion in SOLIDWORKS campaigns
- Hundreds of white papers, videos, and feature articles with tips and tricks on taking your product to the next level
- Design guidance from SOLIDWORKS engineers and technical managers
- MySolidWorks Online training
- Your company must or plan to design, build and sell a physical product – no service companies or consultants
- Your company should not be a service provider,contractor or consulting company
- Your company is not currently a SOLIDWORKS customer
- Your company must have
- Less than $1M in funding and revenue and under 3 years in business for the Early Stage Program
- Less than $5M in funding and revenue and under 5 years in business for our Scale Up Program (discounted licenses)