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About VISI

VISI provides a dynamic structure from where it is possible to work with either solid, surface, wireframe or a combination of all three.

VISI can work directly with Parasolid, IGES, CATIA, Creo, UG-NX, STEP, Solid Works, Solid Edge, Inventor, ACIS, DXF, DWG, JT Open, STL and VDA files. The extensive range of translators ensures that users can work with data from almost any supplier. The ability to skip corrupt records during the import process provides a platform from where the most inconsistent data can be managed. Very large files can be handled with ease and companies working with complex designs will benefit from the ease with which their customer’s CAD data can be manipulated.

VISI offers the following:

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VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC-based CAD/CAE/CAM software solutions for the Mould & Die industries.